
Addon (Erweiterungen) Liste

JDownloader provides several Addons. How to install and update the addons is explained here

JDTray Icon Light

JDTRayIcon Light enables JD to get minimized to tray instead of the taskbar. It implements a tray-menu with the most important features of jd.

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2016/06/29 16:43

JD Scheduler

There is a scheduler addon which allows you to set times where JDownloader should

  • Start/stop downloads
  • Set Speedlimites
  • Allow/Disallow Reconnects


The addon works, but is a bit outdated. We will rewrite it soon.

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2009/06/17 09:59

JD Unrar

This addon comes by default with JDownloader. JDUnrar is a wrapper for the unrar freeware. It enables JDownloader to extract archives automatically after download.

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2009/01/07 17:22

JD Shutdown

This addon is able to shut down your system after downloads have finished. Alternative functions can be configured.

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2008/12/31 23:11

Language File Editor

Start Addon

The editor now downloads the latest source and parses it. this may take a few minutes.

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2009/01/10 21:30